Another Lost Tooth... A Sign of Growing up...

 What happened to my babies?
They Grow up so FAST!
  My smallest son lost his first tooth!  He came to me in my bed at 4:00AM and told me he pulled his tooth out!  He was excited, but scared at the same time...I would be too!  I'm just glad it wasn't bleeding all over the place...I think he's a little young to lose his teeth (he's only 5 and a half)...but alas, he's officially growing up and it is kinda sad because Sam is my "baby"...Even though he's not my youngest, he was my last son, and the third born...he's always seemed like my baby...maybe because Joanna has always been so's bittersweet for this momma...
 Ben lost his first tooth at 6 and soon after that he lost his next one...
JJ lost his first tooth at 6.5...


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