Laundry Soap Update
Back on October 29 I posted about the Laundry soap that I made from this recipe . I originally started out with about 16 cups of Soap (the above container plus the below container.) Today I still have the above container that I haven't touched, and this much(below) left of the original container! When I added them together I have this much (below) left of my original batch that I made TWO MONTHS ago! As you can see, I have been keeping track of the scoops I've used. (the black marks on the lid) Conclusion After 2 Months of Use: I have used a little over half of the soap and gotten 125 scoops out of it. Which translates to 250 Tablespoons or 125 potential loads. I say 125 "potential" because I sometimes used a scoop and a half for really dirty loads. How did it work: I have not really noticed any difference in the way it cleans. It seems to work great! What would I do differently next time: 1.I would cut up ...
Making a blanket for your dog does put you in a special class...but it is so cute none the less!