Bunk Beds and Stuff

So, these are the bunk beds that haveabecome a thorn in my flesh...they are just taking a lot longer to finish than originally planned! But my honey has done a really nice job on them! He is making them for friends of ours who are currently, as we speak, in Kazakstan picking up their sixth child, fifth daughter. They have already adopted one from Kazakstan and two from Liberia. Exciting stuff...
This is my little JoJo pretending that her shoe is a phone! Too priceless!
This is at the bayfront fountains, and this is typical Ben! A real boys' boy! Love it!
They really had fun, partly because they were almost the only kids there on a Monday evening!
Sam...splashing Ben...
This is just like the picture we took last summer except the kids are a year older! Kinda sad, but excting too! I can't believe I have a six year old and my youngest is almost two! I would normally have another baby by now! But that is not possible anymore and it's kinda sad...maybe God has another child for our family another way! Never know!


  1. "I would normally have another baby by now!"

    when did that become "normal" for you? And me?

    luv ya,


  2. Wow, I've never seen a triple bunk bed before! Didn't know it was possible...cool. =) Congrats to the new adoptive parents.


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